Imaris workstation 2 is located in room 424A and includes all available Imaris modules:

  • Imaris Core
  • Imaris Measurement Pro
  • Imaris Track
  • Imaris Coloc
  • Filament Tracer
  • Imaris XT
  • Imaris InPress
  • Imaris Batch
  • AutoAligner
  • AutoDeblur (AutoquantX3)

Powerpoint files used for training in Imaris can be found on the microscopy server. In addition there are online resources available which include webinars which go into great detail about how to use the advanced features of Imaris.

Imaris rendering of cell captured with SIM. Credit: Amandine Grimm

This Workstation also runs Zen with basic analysis modules licensed.

Please log a job on PPMS if you would like training on Imaris or access to the webinars.