Non-UQ student research opportunities
QBI’s Scholar Research Internship (SRI) Program provides an excellent opportunity for high-achieving non-UQ students currently studying at another Australian university, who are interested in a career in research to experience the unique environment of one of the world’s leading neuroscience research institutes.
The program is made possible by The Donald and Joan Wilson Foundation and the participating labs, who each pay 50% of the stipend.
- Experience research before embarking on future research studies (eg. Honours, Masters, or higher degree by research [MPhil/PhD] projects);
- An opportunity to learn and develop new academic and professional skills;
- Access to develop links in research networks and connections with staff and postgraduate students;
- Supervision and mentoring by outstanding researchers;
- Access to world-class facilities and experiences;
- Publication potential;
- Academic credit towards your undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree in approved circumstances; and
- Remuneration co-funded by The Donald and Joan Wilson Foundation and QBI.
To be eligible for the QBI SRI Program, students must:
- Be currently enrolled as a continuing domestic or international student in an undergraduate, honours or master's by coursework degree at another Australian university at the time of application and during/after participation in the SRI Program (ie. students will be returning to their degree studies in the next semester);
- Be studying for a degree relevant to the research discipline;
- Have a high level of academic achievement during their degree studies;
- Have the potential to and an interest in undertaking postgraduate study (master’s, MPhil or PhD); and
- Undertake the research program at QBI, located on the UQ St Lucia campus.
Students may be eligible to participate in the SRI Program more than once at the discretion of QBI however preference will be given to first-time applicants.
Applications will be assessed by QBI and placements will be awarded taking into account:
- The availability of projects and supervisors;
- The academic merit of the applicant;
- Reasons provided for wanting to participate in the Program;
- Skills and attributes of applicants to meet project requirements; and
- Available funding.
What will be my time commitment and obligations?
Scholars are expected to actively participate in an ongoing research project or to undertake a substantial piece of supervised research work. Where appropriate to the project, additional discipline-/project-specific obligations may also be required, such as training in research safety and ethics.
At QBI, scholars are expected to actively participate in research project work on a full-time basis (up to 36 hours per week) over the standard five-day working week, between the hours of 8:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday, for the duration of their project.
The period of eligibility for living allowance payments is 6 weeks, from mid-November to mid-February over the summer holiday period, and 4 weeks from mid-June to mid-July during the winter holiday period. No extension requests beyond the maximum timeframes stated can be considered. The research period over summer may be offered in two parts to allow for the Christmas/New Year holiday when the University is officially closed.
It is the responsibility of each scholar accepted for the SRI Program to ensure that their nominated participation timelines do not overlap/interfere with their university’s official examination and/or semester teaching times.
Participating scholars may be requested by their supervisor to prepare and provide either a short oral presentation or written report towards the end of the Program about their project work and research experience at the Institute.
All applicants will be automatically considered for a living allowance and those who qualify will receive funding of AUD$2000 for 4 weeks for Winter and AUD$3000 for 6 weeks for Summer, jointly provided by The Donald and Joan Wilson Foundation and the hosting lab at QBI. Participating scholars residing more than 250km from Brisbane who are required to relocate to undertake the Program may also be considered for a travel allowance on a case by case basis to assist with reimbursement of travel expenses. The scholarship funding is not paid during periods away from the University such as during the Christmas/New Year break when the University is closed. This living allowance may be paid in one or two lump sums, based on weekly participation in the program and no part-week payments will be made. Scholars must participate in the Program for a minimum of 6 full weeks over summer and a minimum of 4 full weeks over winter to be eligible to receive remuneration. No scholars are permitted to participate in the Program in a voluntary capacity. The living allowance is subject to satisfactory progress in the scholar’s research project. If a student withdraws during the Program, or their participation is terminated by QBI, their living allowance must be returned to QBI for the full weeks un-worked.
Leave Without Stipend
Scholars participating in the SRI Program can apply for leave without stipend under the following circumstances:
- The scholar’s ill health of three days or greater (medical certificate required); or
- Special/personal leave requests for a short time period.
Scholars must apply to their supervisor via email (with a copy to the Program's Administration Officer) for approval to take leave without stipend. Approval is at the discretion of the supervisor. The scholar’s SRI Program duration will be adjusted for periods of approved leave. QBI reserves the right to deny any request for leave without a living allowance.
Termination of Position
QBI reserves the right to terminate a research scholar’s participation in the SRI Program at any time and at the Institute’s sole discretion in the following circumstances:
- The research scholar is in breach of a condition of participation in QBI’s SRI Program;
- The conduct of the research scholar is deemed to be unsatisfactory; or
- There is an interference with the progress of the research project.
If a research scholar’s position is terminated for any reason prior to their commencement in the Program, QBI will not be liable for any costs, and if terminated during the Program, QBI will at its sole discretion determine if any reasonable expenses will be reimbursed.
A scholar’s living allowance payments will cease from the date of termination in the Program.
Research scholars should note that they will only be covered by the University’s public liability insurance to the extent that an accident occurs at the University for which the University is at fault.
Intellectual Property
Visiting research scholars are subject to UQ’s Intellectual Property policy and will be requested to assign their IP to the University and sign a confidentiality agreement. Further information about this policy is available at: and independent legal advice is available if required. Scholars accepted to participate in QBI’s SRI Program will be required to enter into an IP Agreement for their research project work.
How to apply
Note: Applications are considered twice per year leading up to the summer and winter timeframes outlined above. There are no specific application deadlines for each summer/winter round, and applications are considered as they are received.
Step 1: Peruse QBI Research Groups information on QBI’s website and select a research area of greatest interest to you.
Step 2: Check your eligibility – ensure that you thoroughly read through SRI Program information on QBI’s website. If you have any questions at this point, contact QBI Liaison (email or phone 07 3346 6300).
Step 3: Email the relevant QBI lab group leader to introduce yourself and discuss a research topic, project duration and workload requirements, and your available commencement and completion dates (attach your detailed CV and academic transcripts to your email).
Step 4: If a QBI researcher indicates support for your enquiry, submit an online application for formal consideration and upload requested supporting documentation. See HERE for the application form and instructions.
All applicants will be notified if they will be invited to participate in the Program. Successful scholars will have specific Program details and participation conditions confirmed in their offer letters; and must respond within two weeks from date of issue of offer to either accept or decline. Offers not accepted within two weeks will lapse.
If you have any questions regarding the QBI SRI Program, please contact QBI Liaison, QBI, The University of Queensland, Brisbane Queensland, 4072 Australia, Email:; Phone: +61 7 3346 6300.