Inverted point-scanning laser confocal microscope with spectral detection and high-sensitivity BiG (GaAsP) detectors. 2-photon imaging with Mai Tai eHP 690-1040nm laser with dedicated BiG(GaAsP) detectors. Suited for imaging fixed samples on slides, samples with low fluorescence and live imaging.

Features Include:

  • Fully motorised X-Y-Z stage
  • Piezo Z-drive for rapid Z-stacks
  • High-sensitivity BiG detectors (GFP/mCherry) for both vis and 2-photon imaging
  • CO2 and temperature incubation for live cells and tissue
  • Tiled imaging
  • Multi-position imaging
  • Spectral imaging


  • Air:
    • 10x 0.45 NA/ 2000µm WD / 0.439 μm/pixel (1024×1024),
    • 20x 0.8 NA / 550µm WD / 0.415 µm/pixel (1024×1024),
  •  Water:
    • 32x 0.85 NA / 1100µm WD /0.259 µm/pixel (1024×1024),
    • 40x 1.2 NA / 280µm WD / 0.208 µm/pixel (1024×1024),
  •  Oil:
    • 40x 1.4 NA /  130µm WD / 0.208 µm/pixel (1024×1024),
    • 63x 1.4 NA / 190µm WD / 0.132 µm/pixel (1024×1024)

Fluorescent Filter Sets (for checking sample with oculars):

  • DAPI
  • GFP / Alexa 488
  • Cy3 / Alexa 546/555/568


  • Blue laser diode (405nm)
    • DAPI
  • Argon laser (458/477/488/514nm)
    • GFP / YFP / FITC / Alexa488
  • 561nm
    • Cy3 / Alexa 546/555/568 / Alexa 594 / mCherry
  • 633nm
    • Cy5 / Alexa647
  • Mai Tai eHP 2-photon laser / 760 – 1040nm

Laser Power:

Measurement at BFP

  • 405nm (4.65mW),
  • 458nm (0.1mW),
  • 488nm (0.821mW),
  • 514nm (0.178mW),
  • 561nm (3.919mW),
  • 633nm (1.119mW)
  • Mai-Tai @ 780nm (24.5mW)

To cite use of the LSM710 in a paper, please refer to the following suggestion (and adjust the objectives/detectors used as necessary):

Fluorescence immuno-labelling in cells and tissue was visualised and imaged using a Zeiss Plan Apochromat 20x/0.8 NA air objective and a Plan Apochromat 63x/1.4 NA oil-immersion objective on a confocal/two-photon laser-scanning microscope (LSM 710; Carl Zeiss Pty Ltd, Australia) built around an Axio Observer Z1 body (Carl Zeiss) and equipped with two internal gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP) photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) and three normal PMTs for epi- (descanned) detection and two external GaAsP PMTs for non-descanned detection in two-photon imaging, and controlled by Zeiss Zen Black software.


Guide to using the LSM 710