Generous support from FightMND will allow QBI researchers to conduct a clinical trial, identify new drug targets, and progress towards personalised treatments for motor neurone disease (MND).
Federal Minister for Health Greg Hunt MP visited The University of Queensland today to announce more than $440 million in NHMRC funding for Australian researchers.
Students from across Queensland and the Northern Territory have competed at the state finals of the Australian Brain Bee Challenge at the Queensland Brain Institute.
Sports broadcaster Pat Welsh will be the keynote speaker at the Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research (CJCADR) Public Dementia Forum at the Queensland Brain Institute is on 3 July.
Queensland Brain Institute researchers have developed a new schizophrenia model that will enable better understanding of the disease and may lead to new treatments.
After 30 years of growing her hair, Belinda Norrie is losing her locks for two great causes – Priority Research, at the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) at the University of Queensland, and Locks for Love.
Researchers have discovered a new way in which exercise boosts our brain - following exercise, platelets in our blood prompt neural stem cells to form new neurons, which in turn boosts brain function.
The Hand Heart Pocket Alzheimer’s Gala will again be raising awareness for dementia research after returning as one of Brisbane’s premier events for 2019.