• Maree McCabe, CEO of Alzheimer's Australia

    Profile: Maree McCabe

    For Alzheimer’s Australia CEO Maree McCabe, supporting people living with dementia is both a passion and a job that she is very privileged to do.
  • Trevor Crosby, lives with dementia

    Profile: Trevor Crosby

    67-year-old Trevor Crosby shares his experience living a full, active life with dementia.
  • Profile: Rachel Corbett, dementia supporter

    Profile: Rachel Corbett

    Radio presenter Rachel Corbett speaks out about the personal toll of dementia and the harrowing experience of her mother’s Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Ita Buttrose, dementia supporter

    Profile: Ita Buttrose, AO OBE

    Alzheimer’s Australia ambassador Ita Buttrose has experienced first-hand the journey of caring for a loved one with dementia.
  • Why we need to talk about dementia

    The impact of dementia

    ​Dementia is a complex health problem, both because of the sheer number of underlying conditions that can cause it (more than 50) and because of its direct and indirect impact on people and the health system.
  • Ultrasound treatment for dementia

    Treatments for dementia

    There is no cure for dementia, and while current treatments manage symptoms, they offer no prospect of recovery. But there are promising options.
  • How to delay dementia and reduce your risk

    How to delay dementia and reduce your risk

    Taking action in the following five areas may help reduce the risk of developing dementia, and delay its onset.
  • Stages of dementia and prognosis

    Stages of dementia

    It is often helpful to categorise dementia into stages of severity to help doctors formulate a treatment plan, and for the person and their family to consider options for care.


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