
You can help progress our research

You don't have to be a scientist to get involved with QBI. We offer a range of opportunities for everyday people to connect and progress our research and discoveries.

The foundation for all of our work is the funding we receive through a range of sources, including philanthropic donations from our generous supporters. There are many ways to give to QBI: directly, through planned giving, or holding fundraising events that entertain or challenge supporters as they dig deep to help us better understand the brain. 

We also offer opportunities for students to learn directly from our inspiring researchers through lab placements, and for community members to tour our facilities and attend events. Finally, you can give one of the greatest gifts of all by volunteering for studies to advance treatments and diagnostics for brain diseases and disorders.

What your donations fund

Through your support you are helping QBI solve the major neurological health challenges facing our community today

World leading research

Brightest scientific minds

Solutions to global health challenges

Brain Research Endowment Fund

Find out more        Donate to research

QBI’s Brain Research Endowment Fund supports scientists exploring the unknown, which will guide new research on finding cures for diseases or improving quality of life.

Community & school programs


Australian Brain Bee

The Australian Brain Bee Challenge (ABBC) is a competition for high school students in year 10 to learn about the brain and its functions, learn about neuroscience research, find out about careers in neuroscience and to dispel misconceptions about neurological and mental illnesses. 

Learn more

Participate in a research study

By being part of our human research studies you can make a valuable contribution to improving the lives of people living with brain disease and disorder.


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Research in action

  • Dickson: Locomotor circuits in Drosophila

    Group Leader


    Professor Barry Dickson

    Professorial Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Researcher profile is public: 

    Professor Barry Dickson: Neural circuits and behaviour

    The Dickson laboratory investigates the neural circuits that control walking in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. The goal is to understand how local circuits in the nerve cord produce rhythmic motor patterns, how these patterns are co-ordinated across each leg joint and all six legs, and how descending signals from the brain modulate these operations to alter the fly's direction, speed and gait.

    Find out more


    Research Members

    Dr Deniz Ertekin

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Researcher profile is public: 

    Mrs Annika Mueller

    Senior Research Assistant/Technician
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Researcher profile is public: 


    Mr Rafael Tubelleza

    Postgraduate Student
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Researcher profile is public: 

    Support Staff

    Dr Danielle Christesen

    Lab/Facility Manager
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Researcher profile is public: 


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