The Histochemistry Laboratory provides expert advice and support to QBI staff and affiliates in elucidating the anatomy, morphology and function of the brain and nervous system in normal and various disease states. Histology relies on preserving animal tissues and processing this material to produce stained slides for microscope analysis.

The laboratory is well equipped to process tissues for immunohistochemistry, histochemistry and sectioning for electron microscopy. Currently the laboratory is able to provide access to equipment for processing and sectioning frozen, paraffin-embedded and resin-embedded tissues.

Technical capabilities include:
• Cryostat and freezing microtome (sledge) tissue processing and sectioning.
• Paraffin embedding and sectioning
• Vibratome sectioning
• Ultrathin sectioning (EM)

Services include:
• Information and advice on appropriate experimental procedures
• Detailed tuition and supervision on the use of cryostats and microtomes within the facility
• Expert technical support for processing and sectioning tissue, including staining for rapid completion of projects (1.0 EFT available). Note: Charges apply.

For further information on this facility, please contact QBI facilities.