QBI neuroscientists have found that the brain's process for repairing DNA is also important for consolidating memories and allowing rapid brain adaptation, a discovery that challenges current thinking on the significance of DNA repair to the brain's ability to adapt to changes.
QBI received over $4 million in ARC grants, and $6.6 million in NHMRC funding, an important contribution to The University of Queensland’s total of $38.6 million in ARC funding and $42 million in NHMRC grants.
A new study has found newborns with vitamin D deficiency have a 44 per cent increased risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia as adults compared to those with normal vitamin D levels.
The thickness of the brain’s outer layer influences how individual neurons process information. The findings challenge the understanding of how brain circuits function throughout the brain.
Bees adjust their speed to keep turning forces constant, new research from the Queensland Brain Institute, UQ shows. The findings can be applied to robots and autonomous vehicles.
New research from The University of Queensland has shown for the first time that visual hallucinations in people with macular degeneration are associated with abnormally heightened activity in the visual cortex of the brain.
How do predators learn what they can and cannot eat by how their prey looks? It’s all about the pattern edge, say University of Queensland researchers.
Paying attention to a location helps the brain to process not just what you can see there, but also what you can’t – suggesting that attention and awareness are controlled by different pathways in the brain.
Genes play a much larger role than previously thought in how long you might stay in formal education, say researchers from one of the largest genetic studies ever completed.