

A coalition of scientists, clinicians, health professionals, community organisations and other stakeholders, sharing knowledge to foster coordinated and collaborative brain injury research in Queensland. 


Stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and concussion (also referred to as mild TBI)  have similar pathophysilogy and rehabilitation strategies. By sharing knowledge and approaches — and by cultivating relationships with medical and allied health professionals and consumers — we give ourselves the best shot at improving patients' lives post-injury. We emphasise two research themes that cut across these clinical themes: Technology & Innovation and Economics and Health Services. 

Our five research portfolios:

Our goal is research that improves the provision of care across the trajectory of acquired brain injury, from diagnosis through acute care, treatment, rehabilitation and community integration. 


QBIC creates opportunities for knowledge exchange and encourages partnerships to develop acorss institutions and sectors, and between researchers and research end-users. Project co-design with consumers, clinicians and industry partners fosters research with impact and better patient outcomes.

Who we are

Brain injuries are complex, diverse, and require long-term rehabilitation and care. Researchers need to work directly with those who deliver care and understand patient needs: clinical and allied health professionals, not-for-profit services, commercial entities, and consumers themselves. Our diverse membership is an avenue to impactful collaborations. 

Scientific Advisory Committee

Associate Professor Fatima Nasrallah

Director (Research)

Queensland Brain Institute, UQ

Professor Karen Barlow

SAC Member

Queensland Children's Hospital

Professor Jennifer Fleming 

SAC Member

Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, UQ

Dr Kim-Huong Nguyen

SAC Member

Centre for Health Services Research, UQ

Professor Trevor Russell

SAC Member

RECOVER Injury Research Centre, UQ

Dr Tara Walker

SAC Member

Queensland Brain Institute, UQ

Mr Tim Cudmore

Consumer Representative

Cudmore Consulting

Dr Alan Woodruff

Program Manager

Queensland Brain Institute, UQ

Management Committee

Professor Virginia Slaughter

Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, UQ

Professor Karen Moritz

Faculty of Medicine, UQ

Professor Pankaj Sah

Executive Director,
Queensland Brain Institute, UQ

Professor Daniel Zizzo

Faculty of Business, Economics, and Law, UQ


Become a QBIC member

Sign up


Dr Tracey Evans
Business Manager, QBIC

  +61 7 3346 6687

Mailing address
Queensland Brain Institute
Level 7, Building 79
University of Queensland
4072, St Lucia