Links & Resources

Acquired Brain Injury Transitional Rehabilitation Service (ABI TRS)

Service providing specialist, goal-directed community rehabilitation services to people with acquired brain injury and their families during the transition from hospital to home.

Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Service (ABIOS)

Community-based rehabilitation service helping Queenslanders with acquired brain injury, their families and their carers to access appropriate services and achieve improved quality of life.

Concussion Australia

Charity focused on educating communities about concussion. Provides education workshops and public presentations that covers both medical and legal perspectives.

Concussion in Sport Australia

Australian Government site with information on concussion for athletes, parents, teachers, coaches and medical practitioners. Includes the 2023 Concussion and Brain Health Position Statement.


Not-for-profit raising awareness of traumatic brain injury and concussion in the community. Includes guidelines, fact sheets and short online educational courses.

The Hopkins Centre

Translational research into rehabilitation and disability, including brain injury, spinal cord injury, persistent pain and amputation.

Jamieson Trauma Institute

A state-wide initiative aiming to advance trauma prevention, research, systems and clinical management. Themes include injury prevention and epidemiology, data analytics, rehabilitation, diagnostics, and clinical trials.

National Injury Insurance Scheme, Queensland (NIISQ)

A no-fault Scheme providing eligible people with the necessary treatment, care and support for serious personal injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents in Queensland.

Queensland Cardiovascular Research Network (QCVRN)

Seeks to build research capacity, foster collaborations, and advocate for cardiovascular research in Queensland.

Statewide Brain and Spinal Cord Injury (BaSCI) Project

Aims to improve health services and patient outcomes for people with acquired brain and/or spinal cord injuries in Queensland, with a focus on standardised access to services and improved data collection for service monitoring and improvement.

Stroke Foundation

National charity supporting stroke survivors, raising community awareness, and advocating for more research and better healthcare.


National brain injury organisation providing a range of support services for people impacted by brain injury and disability.


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