Queensland Brain Injury Collaborative (QBIC)

The Queensland Brain Injury Collaborative (QBIC, “Cubic”) is a research-led initiative that aims to improve care across the trajectory of acquired brain injury. We are researchers, clinicians, health professionals, people with lived experience, and others who are devoted to providing better options for those affected by stroke and traumatic brain injury. Established in 2022 out of The University of Queensland, QBIC aims to build a network of research, healthcare, community and industry partners. Our goal is to facilitate collaboration and coordination across institutions and sectors, paving the way towards better care for acquired brain injury patients.


Find out more


QBIC held a symposium in 2023 that brought together researchers, clinicians, advocates, and people with lived experience of stroke and traumatic brain injury.

Here's what some key voices had to say:

QBIC focuses on three areas of acquired brain injury...

...and two disciplines that inform all brain injury


Dr Tracey Evans
Business Manager, QBIC

  +61 7 3443 3822