The Centre’s mission is to drive treatments and interventions for dementia through the understanding of basic disease mechanisms and translation of these into real-world applications. CJCADR works closely with industry and clinical partners to progress research from discovery to treatment.

The Centre is led by CJCADR Director Professor Jürgen Götz, an international leader in Alzheimer’s disease research and Lesleigh Green - Bill and Nancy Green Endowed Chair in Dementia Research at QBI. Professor Götz’s laboratory is one of the 12 QBI research groups that make up the Centre.

Our researchers are driven by the belief that fundamental research is required to address the growing challenge posed by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. The Centre’s activities are focused around three priorities:  

  1. to understand the changes that occur within the brain in dementia;  
  2. to develop new technologies, tools and biomarkers; and  
  3. to design new treatments and preventive approaches.