We are still collecting and analysing data to answer important questions about:
  • when and where children sleep
  • how this changes across the week and across time
  • how these changes are associated with the environments, lives and developmental outcomes of children and their families.

We will publish our findings as they are complete.

Find out more here.

Project members

Chief Investigators

Professor Karen Thorpe

ARC Australian Laureate Fellow - Group Leader
Queensland Brain Institute

Associate Professor Sally Staton

ARC DECRA Research Fellow
Queensland Brain Institute

Project Coordinators

Dr Laetitia Coles

Research Fellow
Queensland Brain Institute
Candice Oaks QBI profile

Ms Candice Oakes

Senior Research Project Officer
Queensland Brain Institute
Nicole Lakeman, QBI profile photo

Miss Nicole Lakeman

Project Officer
Queensland Brain Institute

Research Assistants

Emily Westwood

Emily Westwood

Postgraduate Student
Queensland Brain Institute
Ms Olivia Bayliss

Ms Olivia Bayliss

Casual Research Assistant & Project Officer
Queensland Brain Institute