Synaptic neurobiology

Billions of neurons in the human brain are organised into highly interconnected neural circuits for efficient processing of sensory information.

Communication between nerve cells depends on transmission of chemical signals, which occurs at specialised structures called synapses.The ability of neurons to modulate the strength of their synaptic connections, known as synaptic plasticity, forms the cellular basis of learning and memory.

How neurons dynamically modulate their synaptic strength is one of the outstanding and most fascinating questions in modern neuroscience. To answer this question, our laboratory focusses on mechanisms that regulate neuronal trafficking (both pre- and post-synaptic membrane trafficking), as well as the epitranscriptomic (RNA modification) mechanisms underlying activity-dependent gene expression during synaptic plasticity, learning and memory. Ultimately, we aim to understand how dysregulation of these cellular processes contributes to neurological disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.

Group leader

Dr Victor Anggono

Associate Professor Victor Anggono

Group Leader, Synaptic Neurobiology

Senior Research Fellow

  +61 7 3346 6325
  +61 7 3346 6417
UQ Researcher Profile

Our approach

Our research combines biochemical, molecular and cellular biology in both cell culture (primary neurons and cell lines) and mouse models. We utilise gene editing technology, cutting-edge microscopy, proteomics, next-generation sequencing and behavioural analyses in our study. We are particularly interested in understanding the complex neuronal signalling cascades through protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications of key synaptic molecules.

Research areas

  • Neuronal trafficking
  • Neuroepigenetics
  • Neurodegenerative diseases

Our team

Group Leader

  • Associate Professor Victor Anggono

    ARC Future Fellow - Group Leader
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Affiliate Associate Professor of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
    Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research

Team Leader - RNA epitranscriptomics team

Research Members



  • Dr Se Eun (Joanne) Jang – PhD student (2019)
  • Dr Sumasri Guntupalli – PhD student (2020)