The TSS student spearheading concussion research

The Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) visited The Southport School on the Gold Coast last week as concussion baseline testing continued ahead of the 2023 GPS rugby season.

TSS student Jake Austin is involved in the rugby program and agreed to participate in QBI’s schoolboy concussion research study to help prevent future health issues associated with head knock injuries.

“It was great to be a part of this study as it will assist with concussion research which could prevent future injuries and long-term mental illnesses that are associated with it,” Jake said.

Working alongside World Rugby and Rugby Australia, QBI is conducting research into how concussion affects the brain, with the study aiming to improve the accuracy of concussion diagnoses and the reliability of return-to-play decisions.

As a member of the extended first XV squad, Jake has been playing rugby for more than seven years and has had plenty of experience with concussion at the grassroots club level right up to his time playing GPS rugby at TSS.

“I enjoy the collisions, heavy hits, and probably just the brotherhood associated with it because you have 15 men training together like six to seven times a week, you get that sense of camaraderie around the boys,” Jake said.

“I understand the procedures pretty well now and I know what could possibly happen, and I know the risks and consequences if I don’t follow the correct procedure.”
As a research participant, Jake and other students are improving the safety of contact sports globally and are playing an active role in educating themselves about the signs and symptoms of brain injury.


Last updated:
5 April 2023