Associate Professor Fatima Nasrallah
A/Prof Fatima Nasrallah: Functional neuroimaging and brain injury
Our laboratory aims to harness multimodality methods to identify and comprehend the fundamental mechanisms triggered following TBI. This will allow mapping of structural, functional, metabolic and molecular changes in the brain in an attempt to cross-link imaging metrics with behavioural measures and protein biomarkers, giving insight into the pathophysiology of TBI and its link to dementia.
Researcher biography
Dr. Nasrallah is a neuroscientist with a background in magnetic resonance and interdisciplinary brain research. She graduated with a PhD in neurochemistry and NMR from the Neuroscience Research Australia Institute (NeurRA) at the University of New South Wales in 2009. In April 2009, She spent 3 years at the Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (A*STAR) where she pioneered the use of magnetic resonance imaging as a tool in cognitive brain research in the rodent. In 2013, she was appointed as senior research fellow at the Clinical Imaging Research Center where she delved into the clinical realms of human imaging. In late 2015, she returned to Australia as a Motor Accident and Injury Commission fellow at the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) at the University of Queensland (UQ) where she independently heads her own group. Her research spans basic and clinical brain research with the the overall aim of understanding how the brain functions in health and injury, specifically, developing methods for early diagnosis of primary biomarkers following injury and translating these findings.