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  • 3 Jul 2019
    Held annually, the Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research (CJCADR) Public Dementia Forum brings together experts in dementia research and care, with a focus on living well with dementia.
  • Group Leaders

    Associate Professor Victor Anggono

    ARC Future Fellow - Group Leader
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Affiliate of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research
    Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
    Researcher profile is public: 
    Researcher biography: 

    Victor Anggono received his PhD in 2007 from the University of Sydney and undertook his postdoctoral training at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. In 2012, Dr Anggono returned to Australia as an NHMRC CJ Martin Research Fellow and joined the Queensland Brain Institute at the University of Queensland, where he is currently a Senior Research Fellow and Group Leader at the Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research. His research aims to understand the molecular mechanisms of synaptic vesicle and glutamate receptor trafficking in neurons, processes that are essential for synaptic transmission, plasticity, learning and memory, and how their dysregulations impact on the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders. Dr Anggono has published in journals such as Nature Neuroscience, Neuron, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Journal of Neuroscience and Cell Reports, and has attracted more than 1500 citations. For his works, Dr Anggono was awarded the Boomerang Award (Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2011), the Young Scientist Award (Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists, 2015), the Science to Art Award (NHMRC, 2015) and more recently the Young Investigator Award (Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry, 2016).


    Associate Professor Victor Anggono: Synaptic neurobiology

    Our research combines biochemical, molecular and cellular biology in both cell culture (primary neurons and cell lines) and mouse models. We utilise gene editing technology, cutting-edge microscopy, proteomics, next-generation sequencing and behavioural analyses in our study. We are particularly interested in understanding the complex neuronal signalling cascades through protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications of key synaptic molecules.

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    Dr Matilde Balbi

    Senior Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Dr. Matilde Balbi is a neuroscientist within the Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland. After receiving her bachelor and master's degree in Medical Biotechnology from the University of Naples,Italy, she spent a year working on traumatic brain injury at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland as a research assistant. Dr. Balbi earned her Ph.D. in Neuroscience at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, Germany, working on the regulation of cerebral blood flow in health (ageing) and disease (small vessel disease and subarachnoid haemorrhage). She completed her postdoctoral training at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, where she received support and fellowships from the Leducq Foundation, CPSR, MSFHR. She now leads her laboratory which aims to make an impact on the field of stroke recovery and other pathological conditions by combining imaging techniques, brain stimulation and individually tailored recovery paradigms in behaving rodents.


    Dr Matilde Balbi: Neuromodulation and homeostatic processes

    The Balbi lab employs a multi-level approach, combining in vivo imaging techniques, brain stimulation—including but not exclusively optogenetics—and AI driven, individually tailored recovery paradigms in behaving rodents, to investigate intrinsic neuroprotective mechanisms of the brain under pathological conditions such as stroke.

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    Professor Timothy Bredy

    NHMRC Senior Research Fellow
    Professorial Research Fellow - Group Leader
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Research in the Bredy laboratory is aimed at elucidating how the genome is connected to the environment through epigenetic modifications, and how this relationship shapes brain and behaviour throughout life. The group is particularly interested in how epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, histone modifications. the activity of non-coding RNAs, and RNA modification regulate the formation and maintenance of associative fear-related memory.


    Professor Timothy Bredy: Cognitive neuroepigenetics

    Research in the Bredy laboratory is elucidating how the genome is connected to the environment through epigenetic modifications, and how this relationship shapes behaviour throughout life. The group is particularly interested in how epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, histone modifications and the activity of non-coding RNAs, regulate the formation and maintenance of memory.

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    Professor Thomas Burne

    Professorial Research Fellow - Group Leader
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Researcher biography: 

    Professor Burne is a leading Australian researcher in the field of biological psychiatry. Prof. Burne has >150 peer reviewed publications, which have attracted over 8500 citations (H-index 50). His research impact is evident by his 11 papers with >200 citations, with two recognised as Web of Science 'Highly Cited Papers'. Together with collaborators he has been awarded >$8 million in research funding. Since 2003 he has supervised 17 PhD students, and 28 honours students Prof. Burne has a broad background in behavioural neuroscience, with specific training and expertise in animal models. As a Professorial Research Fellow with the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research and Group Leader at the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) the focus of his research includes cognitive testing in rodent models of neuropsychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, as well as psychopharmacological studies and research on clinical populations. As a CI on several university- and NHMRC-funded grants, he has helped establish infrastructure at QBI for behavioural assessment and methods of automated operant-based cognitive tests in rodents. Prof. Burne is a past president of Biological Psychiatry Australia, he is the Queensland representative for the Australasian Neuroscience Society, and he is a member of the NHMRC Animal Welfare Committee.

    Prof. Burne's group studies brain development and behaviour in animal models to learn more about neuropsychiatric diseases, such as schizophrenia. Research is focused on investigating the underlying biological basis for schizophrenia, with the goal of finding public health interventions that will alleviate the burden of this disease. The group has been exploring the impact of developmental vitamin D (DVD) deficiency on brain development, the impact of adult vitamin D deficiency on brain function and behaviour, and the neurobiological affects of having an older father. More recently his group has been focussed on assessing cognitive function in rodents. Prof. Burne's research is carried out in close collaboration with Professors John McGrath and Darryl Eyles, in a multidisciplinary team. Together they have an integrated research program using a broad range of neuroscientific techniques to explore potential causes of schizophrenia. There is a particular focus on early life, nongenetic risk factors and the team has skills in epidemiology, psychiatry, neuroanatomy, molecular biology, developmental biology and behavioural neuroscience. The Burne group is currently developing animal models related to risk factors for schizophrenia and autism.


    Professor Thomas Burne: Developmental neurobiology

    Professor Thomas Burne’s laboratory studies brain development and behaviour in animal models. The laboratory is focused on investigating the underlying biological basis for schizophrenia, with the goal of finding public health interventions that will alleviate the burden of this disease.

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    Professor Helen Cooper

    Deputy Director (Research)
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Professor Helen Cooper: Neural migration

    Current research in the Cooper laboratory explores the fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms governing the development of the neocortex. The group has identified unexpected, novel roles for the axon guidance receptors Neogenin (a netrin receptor) and Ryk (a Wnt receptor) in neural stem cell biology, neurogenesis, dendrite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. The Cooper group has shown that loss of these receptors in the mouse leads to cortical malformations which are equivalent to those seen in humans.

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    Professor Elizabeth Coulson

    Group Leader in Dementia Research, Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research & Professor and Professorial Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Head of School
    School Biomedical Science
    Affiliate of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research
    Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
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    Researcher biography: 

    Professor Elizabeth (Lizzie) Coulson did her undergraduate Honours degree at the University of Melbourne, majoring in Genetics and Biochemistry. Her PhD (1997) in the Department of Pathology, University of Melbourne, with Professor Colin Masters, was on the normal function of the amyloid precursor protein of Alzheimer's disease. Following a year at the ZMBH, University of Heidelberg, Germany, she pursued postdoctoral work studying neuronal cell death in neurodegeneration and development at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute with Professor Perry Bartlett before being recruited in 2003 to the University of Queensland as a founding member of the Queensland Brain Institute. She was appointed Professor in 2015, joining the School of Biomedical Sciences and becoming Deputy Head of School in 2016/7 and 2019 and Head of School in 2020. She maintains a 20% Queensland Brain Institutes appointment and is a member of the Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research.

    Her Lab webpage is: Coulson Lab - Neurotrophin - School of Biomedical Sciences ...


    Professor Elizabeth Coulson: Neurotrophins in Alzheimer’s disease

    The Coulson laboratory is investigating how and why certain neurons die in neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and motor neuron disease (MND). Their work focusses on the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) and its role in neuronal loss, particularly the nerve cell degeneration that occurs in cholinergic neurons in the brain and spinal cord.

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    Dr Nathalie Dehorter

    Senior Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    neural networkDr Nathalie Dehorter: Neuronal Development 

    Researchers in the Dehorter lab seek to understand the molecular and physiological tuning of interneurons during development and in pathology such as autism, schizophrenia or Parkinson’s disease, using high-level tools in electrophysiology, imaging, molecular biology and genetics.

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    Professor Barry Dickson

    Professorial Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Professor Barry Dickson: Neural circuits and behaviour

    The Dickson laboratory investigates the neural circuits that control walking in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. The goal is to understand how local circuits in the nerve cord produce rhythmic motor patterns, how these patterns are co-ordinated across each leg joint and all six legs, and how descending signals from the brain modulate these operations to alter the fly's direction, speed and gait.

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    Professor Darryl Eyles

    Professor (Conjoint)
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Prof Darryl Eyles is the head of the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research Developmental Neurobiology laboratory. One of Darryl's research directions is focused on how known risk-factors for schizophrenia change the way the brain develops. His group have established the biological plausibility of various epidemiological risk factors for this disease including developmental vitamin D deficiency, prenatal hypoxia and maternal immune activation. Strikingly all these exposures affect the early development and later differentiation of early dopamine neurons. A second major focus is on understanding the effects of increased dopamine release in selective circuits and how this may be causal in schizophrenia. A third major interest is in factors such as the gut microbiome, and how increased testosterone contribute to altered brain function related to autism.


    Professor Darryl Eyles: Neurobiology

    With a particular focus on dopamine systems, the Eyles laboratory focusses on how risk factors for schizophrenia and autism, such as developmental vitamin D (DVD) deficiency and maternal immune activation, change the way the brain develops and functions.

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    Professor Geoff Faulkner

    Professor in Neuroscience
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Professor Geoff Faulkner: Computational and molecular biology

    Our core research seeks to understand the role of retrotransposons, a type of “mobile DNA”, in causing genetic mosaicism in early mammalian embryogenesis, and in neurons. This variation may be a fundamental aspect of healthy brain function, and appears to change in neurological diseases, including Rett syndrome, schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. 

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    Professor Jürgen Götz

    Director of CJCADR & Director of CJCADR - GL
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Centre Director of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research
    Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
    Researcher profile is public: 
    Researcher biography: 

    Professor Jürgen Götz (PhD, Dr. habil, FAHMS, GAICD) is Foundation Chair of Dementia Research, Director of the Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research at the Queensland Brain Institute (University of Queensland), NHMRC Leadership Fellow and Ultrasound Team Leader. In 2023 he became the Lesleigh Green - Bill and Nancy Green Endowed Chair in Dementia Research. Jürgen Götz performed undergraduate studies at the Biocenter of the University of Basel, before joining the laboratory of Nobel Laureate Georges Köhler to obtain his PhD degree in immunology. Subsequently, he took up postdoctoral positions at UCSF (San Francisco) and Sandoz Ltd (now Novartis, Basel), and worked as Research Group Leader (venia legendi, Dr. habil.) at the University of Zurich (Switzerland). Before taking up his current position, Jürgen Götz was a Professor and Chair of Molecular Biology at the University of Sydney.

    Jürgen Götz is a highly cited researcher (Clarivate) and an expert in basic and translational research in Alzheimer's disease (AD), focusing on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of how Tau and Aβ cause neurodegeneration, using transgenic and cellular models, and exploring low-intensity ultrasound as a novel treatment modality for AD and other brain diseases (>220 publications, including in leading journals such as Science, Cell, Lancet and Neuron; h-index = 86, 27,800+ citations, Google Scholar). Jürgen Götz and his team have built a clinical trial-ready therapeutic ultrasound device and started a first-in-human safety trial in 12 Alzheimer patients (April 2023).


    Professor Jürgen Götz: Ageing dementia and therapeutic ultrasound

    The Götz laboratory, which forms part of the Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research (CJCADR), aims to understand disease initiation and progression at a molecular and cellular level using cellular and animal models, and to develop novel therapies. We are applying the tools we are developing to also understand fundamental mechanisms of memory or the physiological role of proteins implicated in disease. In recent years, a major focus for the group is in developing therapeutic ultrasound into a treatment modality for human disease.

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    Professor Massimo Hilliard

    NHMRC Leadership Fellow - GL
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Affiliate of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research
    Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
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    Researcher biography: 

    Queensland Brain Institute

    Dr Massimo A. Hilliard received his PhD in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Biology in 2001 from the University of Naples, Italy. His experimental work, performed at the Institute of Genetics and Biophysics of the CNR (Italian National Council of Research), was aimed at understanding the neuronal and genetic basis of aversive taste behavior (bitter taste) in C. elegans.

    During his first postdoc at the University of California, San Diego, using the Ca2+ indicator Cameleon he published the first direct visualisation of chemosensory activity in C. elegans neurons. In his second postdoctoral work at the University of California, San Francisco and at The Rockefeller University, he switched from neuronal function to neuronal development, focusing in particular on how neurons establish and orient their polarity with respect to extracellular cues.

    From September 2007, he is at the Queensland Brain Institute where he established an independent laboratory.


    Professor Massimo Hilliard: Molecular and cellular neurobiology

    The Hilliard laboratory is focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms that regulate neuronal development, maintenance and repair, using C. elegans as a model system. The group’s current research goals are: (1) how the axon, which is the longest of the neuronal processes, is subdivided into structurally and functionally different compartments, (2) how the axon maintains its structure and function over the lifetime of the organism, and (3) how the axon can be repaired when severing damage occurs. 

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    Associate Professor Zhitao Hu

    Honorary Associate Professor
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Associate Professor Zhitao Hu: Neurotransmitter release

    The Hu group focusses on candidate genes to understand their functional importance in synapses.

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    Dr Dhanisha Jhaveri

    Senior Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Dr Dhanisha Jhaveri has a joint appointment at Mater Research and the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) and is a Mater Foundation Senior Research Fellow and a Group Leader. Dhanisha's research group is investigating the fundamental mechanisms that drive the renewal of neurons in the adult brain, with the goal of harnessing this form of neural plasticity to relieve the emotional and cognitive burdens associated with chronic stress and depression.

    Dhanisha received her PhD from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), India, under the supervision of Professor Veronica Rodrigues, where she unravelled the molecular mechanisms that wire the olfactory axons in the fly (Drosophila) brain. In recognition of her doctoral work she was awarded the Indian National Science Academy medal for Young Scientist of the Year in 2003. Fascinated by the discovery that the production of new neurons continues in the adult brain, she then joined the laboratory of Professor Perry Bartlett at the Queensland Brain Institute as a Human Frontiers Science Program Postdoctoral Fellow. She has made major discoveries that have transformed our understanding of the regulation and roles of neural stem cells in the adult brain. Her work uncovered that a subclass clinical antidepressants directly activates neural stem cells in the hippocampus, a brain region implicated in regulating mood and cognitive functions. She also pioneered the development of a new cell sorting protocol to purify neural stem cells which revealed presence of distinct stem cell populations in this brain region.


    Dr Dhanisha Jhaveri: Cellular regulation of stress and depression

    The Jhaveri group goals are to uncover new mechanisms that are central to neurogenic regulation and learn how new neurons impact neural circuits and behaviour, and translate these principles to better understand and ultimately treat cognitive and mood-related deficits associated with anxiety and depression.

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    Dr Zhaoyu Li

    Group Leader
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Dr Zhaoyu Li: Neural circuit and behaviour

    The Li group uses C. elegans, currently the only organism with a completely mapped connectome, to address these questions. We employ multifaceted approaches including calcium imaging, optogenetics, behavioural genetic screen and molecular genetics to study the function and dysfunction of neural network in healthy and diseased animals.

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    Professor Jason Mattingley

    NHMRC Leadership Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Researcher biography: 

    Professor Jason Mattingley was appointed as Foundation Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Queensland in January 2007, a joint appointment between the Queensland Brain Institute and the School of Psychology.

    He completed a Bachelor of Science Degree with Honours at Monash University (1988), a Master of Science Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology at the University of Melbourne (1990), and a PhD in Psychology at Monash University (1995). In 1994 he was awarded an NHMRC Neil Hamilton Fairley Post-Doctoral Fellowship, which he took to the University of Cambridge. Here he worked jointly with Professor Jon Driver in the Department of Experimental Psychology and Professor Ian Robertson at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. While in Cambridge he was elected a Fellow of King's College.

    Upon returning to Australia Professor Mattingley was appointed as Senior Research Fellow (later Principal Research Fellow) at the University of Melbourne, where he was Director of the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory within the School of Behavioural Science (2000 – 2006).

    Professor Mattingley has won numerous accolades for his research, including an Australian Laureate Fellowship from the Australian Research Council (2012), the Distinguished Contribution to Psychological Science Award from the Australian Psychological Society (2012), and the Monash University Distinguished Alumni Award (Faculty of Biomedical and Psychological Sciences, 2016).

    He was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia in 2007, and a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science in 2016.


    Professor Jason Mattingley: Cognitive neuroscience

    Researchers in the Mattingley laboratory seek to understand the roles played by selective attention, prediction and decision making in regulating perceptual, cognitive and motor functions in the human brain, in health and disease.

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    Professor John McGrath

    Conjoint Professor
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    John McGrath AM, MBBS, MD, PhD, FRANZCP, FAHMS

    John McGrath is a psychiatrist interested in discovering the causes of serious mental disorders. He is the Director of the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research and conjoint Professor at the Queensland Brain Institute His research aims to generate and evaluate nongenetic risk factors for schizophrenia. He has forged productive cross-disciplinary collaborations linking risk factor epidemiology with developmental neurobiology. For example, John and his colleagues have made discoveries linking prenatal vitamin D and later risk of mental illness in the offspring. In addition, John has supervised major systematic reviews of the epidemiology of schizophrenia. He was awarded a John Cade Fellowship by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. In 2016 he was also awarded a Neils Bohr Professorship by the Danish National Research Foundation.


    Professor John McGrath: Epidemiology and clinical trials

    The McGrath laboratory aims to explore risk factors linked to schizophrenia and other mental disorders. They focus on non-genetic factors that are potentially modifiable. In recent years the team has been examining the impact of low vitamin D (the "sunshine hormone") during early brain development and on adult brain function. 

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    Research Interests

    The association between vitamin D status and brain outcomes 
    In collaboration with Darryl Eyles, we are measuring early life vitamin D status and exploring if this changes the risk of later developing serious mental illness. These studies are in collaboration with colleagues in Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands.

    The demographic and clinical correlates of psychotic-like experiences 
    Using two large surveys conducted in Australia in 1997 and 2007, our group have undertaken a suite of studies designed to understand the clinical relevance of isolated psychotic-like experiences. Over recent years we have published many papers on this topic, and have made important contributions with respect to how psychotic-like experiences are associated with (a) an increased risk of later psychotic disorders (based on the MUSP study), (b) depression, anxiety and substance use disorders, (c) a family history of mental illness, (d) exposure to trauma, (e) an increased risk of suicidal ideation and behaviour, (f) general physical health, and (g) help-seeking.

    The Survey of High Impact Psychosis (SHIP) 
    Our group was one of seven sites involved in the design and administration of the second Australian Survey of psychotic disorders. In collaboration with a large national team, we continue to explore key issues related to the needs of people with psychosis in Australia.

    Related Research


    Professor John McGrath was awarded a John Cade Fellowship in Mental Health Research by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in 2013 (NHMRC grant APP1056929). This five year fellowship will support Professor McGrath’s existing research into modifiable risk factors for schizophrenia.

    In particular, the Fellowship will enable Professor McGrath and his team to build a clinical trials platform in South-East Queensland. These trials, collectively known as Cadence, will be broadly related to improving clinical outcomes for people with psychosis, particularly early psychosis. See the Cadence website for more information.

    Professor Frederic Meunier

    Professor and Academic Senior Group/Unit Leader/Supervisor
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Affiliate of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research & Affiliate of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research
    Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
    Researcher profile is public: 
    Researcher biography: 

    Professor Frederic Meunier obtained his Masters degree in Neurophysiology at the Paris XI University, France in 1992 and completed his Ph.D in Neurobiology at the CNRS in Gif-sur-Yvette, France in 1996. He was the recipient of a European Biotechnology Fellowship and went on to postgraduate work at the Department of Biochemistry at Imperial College (1997-1999) and at Cancer Research UK (2000-2002) in London, UK. After a short sabbatical at the LMB-MRC in Cambridge (UK), he became a group leader at the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Queensland (Australia) in 2003. He joined the Queensland Brain Institute of the University of Queensland in 2007 and obtained an NHMRC senior research fellowship in 2009 renewed in 2014 with promotion. He became Professor in 2014 at the Queensland Brain Institute and is currently part of the Centre for Ageing Dementia Research.


    Professor Frederic Meunier: Single Molecule Neuroscience Laboratory

    The overall goal of our research is to determine how brain cells communicate and survive in health and disease. Our lab focuses on the molecular events that govern vesicular trafficking within presynaptic nerve terminals and neurosecretory cells. Our discoveries have led to a deep understanding of how secretory vesicles interact with the cortical actin network prior to fusing with the plasma membrane to release the neurotransmitter. 

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    Selected recent publications

    Visualizing endocytic recycling and trafficking in live neurons by subdiffractional tracking of internalized molecules 
    Joensuu, Merja, Martinez-Marmol, Ramon, Padmanabhan, Pranesh, Glass, Nick R., Durisic, Nela, Pelekanos, Matthew, Mollazade, Mahdie, Balistreri, Giuseppe, Amor, Rumelo, Cooper-White, Justin J., Goodhill, Geoffrey J. and Meunier, Frederic A. (2017) Nature Protocols12 12:2590-2622. doi:10.1038/nprot.2017.116

    In vivo single-molecule imaging of syntaxin1A reveals polyphosphoinositide- and activity-dependent trapping in presynaptic nanoclusters
    Bademosi, Adekunle T., Lauwers, Elsa, Padmanabhan, Pranesh, Odierna, Lorenzo, Chai, Ye Jin, Papadopulos, Andreas, Goodhill, Geoffrey J., Verstreken, Patrik, Van Swinderen, Bruno and Meunier, Frederic A. (2017) Nature Communications8 . doi:10.1038/ncomms13660

    Subdiffractional tracking of internalized molecules reveals heterogeneous motion states of synaptic vesicles
    Joensuu, Merja, Padmanabhan, Pranesh, Durisic, Nela, Bademosi, Adekunle T. D., Cooper-Williams, Elizabeth, Morrow, Isabel C., Harper, Callista B., Jung, WooRam, Parton, Robert G., Goodhill, Geoffrey J., Papadopulos, Andreas and Meunier, Frederic A. (2016)  Journal of Cell Biology215 2: 277-292. doi:10.1083/jcb.201604001

    Flux of signalling endosomes undergoing axonal retrograde transport is encoded by presynaptic activity and TrkB
    Wang, Tong, Martin, Sally, Nguyen, Tam H., Harper, Callista B., Gormal, Rachel S., Martinez-Marmol, Ramon, Karunanithi, Shanker, Coulson, Elizabeth J., Glass, Nick R., Cooper-White, Justin J., Van Swinderen, Bruno and Meunier, Frederic A. (2016)  Nature Communications7 . doi:10.1038/ncomms12976

    The Munc18-1 domain 3a hinge-loop controls syntaxin-1A nanodomain assembly and engagement with the SNARE complex during secretory vesicle priming
    Kasula, Ravikiran, Chai, Ye Jin, Bademosi, Adekunle T., Harper, Callista B., Gormal, Rachel S., Morrow, Isabel C., Hosy, Eric, Collins, Brett M., Choquet, Daniel, Papadopulos, Andreas and Meunier, Frederic A. (2016)  The Journal of Cell Biology214 7: 847-858. doi:10.1083/jcb.201508118

    Munc18-1 is a molecular chaperone for α-synuclein, controlling its self-replicating aggregation
    Chai, Ye Jin, Sierecki, Emma, Tomatis, Vanesa M., Gormal, Rachel S., Giles, Nichole, Morrow, Isabel C., Xia, Di, Götz, Jürgen, Parton, Robert G., Collins, Brett M., Gambin, Yann and Meunier, Frédéric A. (2016) The Journal of Cell Biology214 6: 705-718. doi:10.1083/jcb.201512016

    Profiling of free fatty acids using stable isotope tagging uncovers a role for saturated fatty acids in neuroexocytosis
    Narayana, Vinod K., Tomatis, Vanesa M., Wang, Tong, Kvaskoff, David and Meunier, Frederic A. (2015) Cell Chemistry and Biology22 11: 1552-1561. doi:10.1016/j.chembiol.2015.09.010

    Control of autophagosome axonal retrograde flux by presynaptic activity unveiled using botulinum neurotoxin type A
    Wang, Tong, Martin, Sally, Papadopulos, Andreas, Harper, Callista B., Mavlyutov, Timur A., Niranjan, Dhevahi, Glass, Nick R., Cooper-White, Justin J., Sibarita, Jean-Baptiste, Choquet, Daniel, Davletov, Bazbek and Meunier, Frederic A. (2015) Journal of Neuroscience35 15: 6179-6194. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3757-14.2015

    Activity-driven relaxation of the cortical actomyosin II network synchronizes Munc18-1-dependent neurosecretory vesicle docking
    Papadopulos, Andreas, Gomez, Guillermo A., Martin, Sally, Jackson, Jade, Gormal, Rachel S., Keating, Damien J., Yap, Alpha S. and Meunier, Frederic A. (2015) Nature Communications6 6297: 1-11. doi:10.1038/ncomms7297

    An acto-myosin II constricting ring initiates the fission of activity-dependent bulk endosomes in neurosecretory cells
    Gormal, Rachel S, Nguyen, Tam H, Martin, Sally, Papadopulos, Andreas and Meunier, Frederic A (2015)  Journal of Neuroscience35 4: 1380-1389. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3228-14.2015

    Professor Bryan Mowry

    Honorary Professor
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Researcher biography: 

    Bryan is a graduate in medicine from the University of Queensland and holds a BA (Hons) degree in philosophy from the University of Western Australia. A medical specialist in psychiatry, he is a clinician researcher, who is Conjoint Professor at the Queensland Brain Institute, University of Queensland, and Director of Genetics at the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research. His primary research interest is the molecular genetics of schizophrenia, and holds a MD degree (University of Queensland) in this field. Since 1990, he has conducted studies, with national and international collaborators, to identify susceptibility genes for this disorder. He is the recipient of grants from the Australian NHMRC and the US NIMH.

    The primary research goal is to identify and functionally characterise susceptibility genes for schizophrenia and related disorders. A special focus is on the study of large collaborative samples and ethnically homogeneous populations. Key methodologies used in the lab include genome-wide association studies, next-generation sequencing, transcriptome profiling of post-mortem brain samples, neurocognitive and neuroimaging phenotyping and induced pluripotent stem cells.

    Current areas of interest include pharmacogenomics of clozapine treatment response, whole exome sequencing focused on de novo mutations, and the neuroimmunology of schizophrenia


    Professor Bryan Mowry: Psychiatric genomics

    Our primary research goals are (i) to identify susceptibility genes for schizophrenia and related disorders and (ii) understand both their normal and pathologic functions in the brain. To investigate these two broad areas of research, we use a wide range of methodologies and techniques ranging from high-throughput sequencing technologies, quantitative genetics, systems biology and deep learning, through to animal models and cutting-edge microscopy.  Our research is organised into the following themes:

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    Current collaborations

    •  Dr Rangaswamy Thara -  Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF), Chennai, India
    •  Prof Matthew Brown - Diamantina Institute, The University of Queensland
    •  A/Prof Naomi Wray - Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland
    •  Prof Peter Visscher - Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland
    •  Prof David Reutens - Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland
    •  Prof Lynn Jorde - University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah
    •  Psychiatric Genetics Consortium, Schizophrenia
    •  Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia Consortium
    •  Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank

      Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research Genetics Group

    Associate Professor Fatima Nasrallah

    Principal Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Researcher biography: 

    Dr. Nasrallah is a neuroscientist with a background in magnetic resonance and interdisciplinary brain research. She graduated with a PhD in neurochemistry and NMR from the Neuroscience Research Australia Institute (NeurRA) at the University of New South Wales in 2009. In April 2009, She spent 3 years at the Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (A*STAR) where she pioneered the use of magnetic resonance imaging as a tool in cognitive brain research in the rodent. In 2013, she was appointed as senior research fellow at the Clinical Imaging Research Center where she delved into the clinical realms of human imaging. In late 2015, she returned to Australia as a Motor Accident and Injury Commission fellow at the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) at the University of Queensland (UQ) where she independently heads her own group. Her research spans basic and clinical brain research with the the overall aim of understanding how the brain functions in health and injury, specifically, developing methods for early diagnosis of primary biomarkers following injury and translating these findings.


    A/Prof Fatima Nasrallah: Functional neuroimaging and brain injury

    Our laboratory aims to harness multimodality methods to identify and comprehend the fundamental mechanisms triggered following TBI. This will allow mapping of structural, functional, metabolic and molecular changes in the brain in an attempt to cross-link imaging metrics with behavioural measures and protein biomarkers, giving insight into the pathophysiology of TBI and its link to dementia. 

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    Professor Peter Nestor

    Professor in Neuroscience
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Affiliate of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research
    Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
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    Prof Nestor joined the Queensland Brain Institute in October/2017 and has a conjoint appointment as a cognitive neurologist at Mater Misericordiae Ltd (Mater Hospital).

    His particular interests include understanding the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease (i.e. before dementia is established); atypical forms of dementia with a particular focus on primary progressive aphasia and dementias related to Parkinson's and Lewy body diseases; and improving differential diagnosis between the major categories of neurodegenerative diseases.

    He works on development of neuropsychological tests of cognition, both to accurately track change over time and improve diagnostic accuracy between the major diseases causing dementia. He also uses multi-modal imaging (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] and positron emission tomography [PET]) to understand the sequence of events occurring in degenerative brain diseases (particularly Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, Parkinson's disease, motor neuron disease [ALS], progressive supranuclear palsy [PSP] and corticobasal degeneration [CBD]) and identify novel biomarkers. A major focus of his is on developing novel approaches to MR imaging for single subject pathological diagnoses that can be exported into the everyday clinical setting; recent examples include diffusion tensor imaging to identify PSP and CBD (Sajjadi et al, 2013) and quantitative susceptibility mapping in Parkinson's disease (Acosta-Cabornero et al, 2013).


    Professor Peter Nestor: Cognitive neurology

    Professor Nestor aims to relate the neuropsychological and behavioural profiles of degenerative dementias, such as Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia, to regional brain damage through neuroimaging (MRI and PET) and histopathological analysis. His particular interest is the pathological landscape of incipient dementia (so-called mild cognitive impairment).

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    Professor Gail Robinson

    Professorial Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Professor Gail Robinson holds a joint Queensland Brain Institute and the School of Psychology appointment. She has been a clinical neuropsychologist and researcher for ~25 years in Australia and in London (UK), where she spent 14 years at the dynamic and historic National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London. In 2010, she transitioned from a clinical role to an academic position at The University of Queensland where was Director of the Clinical Neuropsychology Doctoral programme (2010-2018), taking up this lead role again in 2023. Her clinical research is focused on both theoretical questions about brain-behaviour relationships like the crucial mechanisms for the executive control of language, and clinical questions regarding cognitive assessment and management of various pathologies including neurodegenerative disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, brain tumours and stroke. Professor Robinson has attracted internal and national funding; she Leads the Neuropsychology Core of a large-scale longitudinal and multidisciplinary NHMRC Dementia Team Research grant (Prospective Imaging Study of Ageing: Genes, Brain and Behaviour - PISA). She was the recipient of an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) in 2012 and a NHMRC Boosting Dementia Research Leadership Fellowship in 2018 in which she has been focused on early neurocognitive diagnostic indicators for dementia.


    Professor Gail Robinson: Cognitive and clinical neuropsychology

    The Robinson group's clinical research is focused on both theoretical questions about brain-behaviour relationships like the crucial mechanisms for the executive control of language, and clinical questions regarding cognitive assessment and management of various pathologies including neurodegenerative disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, brain tumours and stroke.

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    Professor Pankaj Sah

    Queensland Brain Institute
    Centre Director of The Asia-Pacific Centre for Neuromodulation
    Asia-Pacific Centre for Neuromodulation
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    Professor Pankaj Sah is Director of the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) at The University of Queensland (UQ). He is renowned for his work in understanding the neural circuitry of the amygdala, an area of the brain that plays a central role in learning and memory formation. Dysfunction of the amygdala leads to a host of anxiety-related disorders. His laboratory uses a combination of molecular tools, electrophysiology, anatomical reconstruction, calcium imaging and behavioural studies to examine the electrophysiological signatures of different brain regions and their impact on disease. Recently, his laboratory has been working with patients undergoing electrode implantation for deep brain stimulation, which is used to treat a variety of disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Tourette's syndrome and essential tremor. Professor Sah trained in medicine at The University of New South Wales and, after completing his internship, gained a PhD from the Australian National University. Following postdoctoral work at the University of California, San Francisco, and UQ, he established his own laboratory at the University of Newcastle in 1994. He then joined the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University as a group leader in 1997. He was recruited to QBI as a founding member in 2003, and has been Director since July 2015. Professor Sah has published over 110 papers in international peer-reviewed journals. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Nature Partner Journal npj Science of Learning, the first journal to bring together the findings of neuroscientists, psychologists, and education researchers to understand how the brain learns.


    Professor Pankaj Sah: Synaptic Plasticity

    The Sah laboratory uses electrophysiology and molecular techniques, in conjunction with behavioural studies, to understand the neural circuitry that underpins learning and memory formation. Using animal models, the laboratory focusses on the part of the brain called the amygdala, and a Pavlovian learning paradigm called fear conditioning. 

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    Professor Karen Thorpe

    ARC Australian Laureate Fellow - Group Leader
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Karen Thorpe is Australian Research Council, Laureate Professor and Group Leader in Child Development, Education and Care at the Queensland Brain Institute, University of Queensland. Her research is grounded in the understanding that early learning experiences shape brain development and are critical in establishing trajectories of health, social inclusion and learning across the lifespan. A particular focus of her work is early care and education environments including parenting, parent work, quality of care and education, and the early years workforce.

    Karen leads a multi-disciplinary team of developmental scientists undertaking large scale longitudinal studies with embedded studies to explicate mechanisms that enable or limit children's life chances. She was Foundation Psychologist on the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children at the University of Bristol, UK; led the evaluation of the Preparing School Trial for Queensland Government; led the Queensland team of the E4Kids study of quality in Australian Early Education and Care and a recent data linkage project with Queensland Government to track participants through their school journey. In partnership with Queensland Government, Goodstart Early Learning and the Creche and Kindergarten Association she led a large population study of the Australian ECEC workforce (ARC Linkage). Her current research, as a chief investigator on the ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families across the life course, and through an ARC Laureate fellowship, is to examine barriers to providing high quality early learning services in developmentally vulnerable communities.

    In 2013 and again in 2019 Karen was named by the Australian Financial Review as among Australia's 100 Women of Influence for the impacts of her research on educational and family policy. In 2020 she was recognised by Australian Government, Advance Global Awards for her international contribution to education. Karen chairs the Australian Early Years Reference Council for Evidence for Learning, Australia whose remit is to build a strong evidence-base in early childhood education and care with focus on translation into policy and practice. She is also director on the board of the Australian Research Council for Children and Youth and advisor to the national board of Beyond Blue – Be You.


    Professor Karen Thorpe: Child Development, Education and Care

    The Thorpe group seek to understand the effects of early life experiences on trajectories across the life course. Their focus is on the first five years of life, a formative period in human brain development in which the quality of experiences, and particularly social interactions, shape brain architecture. The group work with government and non-government agencies to inform child and family policy and practice strategies that improve children’s development and learning.

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    Associate Professor Susannah Tye

    Principal Research Fellow - GL
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Dr. Susannah Tye joined the Queensland Brain Institute in 2017 and has established a research program within the Asia Pacific Centre for Neuromodulation (QLD, Australia). Before returning to Australia, Dr. Tye directed the Translational Neuroscience Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic (2012-2017). While there she led efforts to develop brain stimulation devices (for rodents and humans) that can quantify neural activity and neurotransmitter dynamics in the living brain. This body of work now forms the basis of the neuropsychiatric arm of the Mayo Clinic's Deep Brain Stimulation Consortium. Her specific research expertise are in utilising voltammetric (electrochemical) recording techniques to monitor rapid, synaptic neurotransmission in the living brain.

    Dr. Tye has over ten years of experience studying neuromodulation in preclinical rodent models and human patients. Her long-term goal is to bridge preclinical and clinical studies to maximise translational impact, specifically in terms of improving patient outcomes for those with severe refractory psychiatric illness. Towards this end, she maintains many international collaborations with both clinical and basic science researchers. Dr. Tye also has a longstanding interest in mentoring young scientists to help them expand their skills in preclinical and basic science research and achieve a successful research career.


    Associate Professor Susannah Tye: Functional neuromodulation and novel therapeutics

    Our research is interdisciplinary, drawing on approaches and techniques from neuroscience, molecular biology, biochemistry, and neuroengineering. We are particularly interested in the potential to use key biomarkers of refractory illness to diagnose and inform treatment decisions, and the possibility that real-time feedback may be used to customise neuromodulatory treatments. Ongoing projects in the lab address both basic and translational neuroscience questions.

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    Professor Bruno van Swinderen

    Professorial Research Fellow - GL
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Associate Professor Bruno van Swinderen received his PhD in Evolutionary and Population Biology in 1998 from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. His graduate work was on general anesthesia in a Caenorhabditis elegans model, applying both quantitative genetics and molecular genetic approaches. For his postdoc at The Neurosciences Institute (NSI) in San Diego, California (1999-2003), he switched to Drosophila melanogaster to develop methods of studying perception in the fruit-fly model. He ran a lab at NSI from 2003 to late 2007.

    In February 2008, Associate Professor van Swinderen established a new laboratory at the Queensland Brain Institute.

    Bruno van Swinderen's group use Drosophila as a genetic model system to study mechanisms of perception in the brain abd are interested in three phenomena: selective attention, sleep, and general anesthesia. Their focus is on visual perception and how it is affected by these different arousal states. Most of our current effort is in understanding visual selective attention in the fly brain and how attention processes interact with memory formation. Toward this goal, they use various novel visual paradigms in a Drosophila molecular genetics context.


    Professor Bruno van Swinderen: Drosophila behaviour and cognition

    Our long-term vision is to understand how a brain produces subjective awareness. To achieve this long-term goal, we have focussed on understanding three brain states where awareness can be lost: general anaesthesia, sleep, and selective attention. During selective attention, we become unaware of objects outside our focus. How does that work? During sleep, the outside world is more broadly suppressed. Why is this necessary? Finally, during general anaesthesia, a bewildering array of drugs achieve the same, but deeper. By studying these three ways in which consciousness is lost, we hope to arrive at a better understanding on what is necessary for consciousness to exist – in any animal.

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    Associate Professor Jana Vukovic

    Principal Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    The Vukovic laboratory investigates how brain function is sculpted and influenced by the immune system. Specifically, we examine the role of brain's main resident immune cell population (i.e. microglia), as well as various peripheral immune cells, on learning and memory in mice. We are interested in defining the contribution of immune cells to such higher cognitive tasks, including for neuroinflammatory conditions where learning and memory deficits can occur, e.g. following traumatic brain injury, cancer treatment, and ageing. We have established an array of genetic and pharmacological tools alongside robust behavioural assays to directly probe the function of these immune cells in both the healthy and diseased brain. The ultimate goal of our work is to link cellular and molecular events to altered behaviour, and to harness the brain's intrinsic regenerative potential for stimulating optimal cognitive function.

    A neuroimmunologist, Dr Vukovic received her PhD in 2008 from The University of Western Australia after working on the repair of injured nerve cell connections. She joined QBI in 2009 to work in Professor Perry Bartlett's laboratory as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow, before being awarded a Queensland Government Smart Futures Fellowship to continue her research into the importance of adult neurogenesis for behaviour and how microglia influence this process in ageing. Dr Vukovic demonstrated that microglia can exert a dual and opposing influence over adult neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons) in the hippocampus under different physiological conditions, namely exercise and ageing, and that signalling through the chemokine receptor, CX3CR1, critically contributes towards this (Vukovic et al., 2012, J Neurosci). Dr Vukovic also generated novel evidence that ongoing neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus is critical for new learning but does not play a role in memory recall (Vukovic et al., 2013, J Neurosci).

    Dr Vukovic was awarded an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (2015-2018) and was jointly appointed as a group leader by the UQ School of Biomedical Sciences (SBMS) and QBI in 2015. She heads the Neuroimmunology and Cognition team investigating the interactions between the brain and the immune system in health and disease.

    Currently, the group is working on three main projects:

    1. Identification of microglia-derived molecules that support neuronal survival and stimulate neural stem/progenitor cell expansion
    2. Characterisation of immune cell contribution to changes in neuronal connectivity
    3. Immune cell responses to cancer treatment, and their effect on learning and memory

    Associate Professor Jana Vukovic: Neuroimmunology and cognition

    The Vukovic laboratory investigates how brain function is sculpted and influenced by the immune system. Specifically, we examine the role of brain’s main resident immune cell population (i.e. microglia), as well as various peripheral immune cells, on learning and memory in mice. We are interested in defining the contribution of immune cells to such higher cognitive tasks, including for neuroinflammatory conditions where learning and memory deficits can occur, e.g. following traumatic brain injury, cancer treatment, and ageing. 

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    Associate Professor Adam Walker

    Ross Maclean Fellow - GL
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Affiliate of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research
    Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
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    Dr Adam Walker received his BSc(Hons) in Biochemistry from the University of Tasmania, and PhD in Neuroscience from the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health at the University of Melbourne, focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms of motor neuron disease (MND). He undertook a postdoctoral fellowship with Professor Virginia Lee at the Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research, University of Pennsylvania (2011-2015), developing new transgenic TDP-43 mouse models of disease. Dr Walker was previously an NHMRC CJ Martin Overseas Biomedical Research Fellow and was awarded an NHMRC RD Wright Career Development Fellowship (2018-2022), to continue his research on neurodegenerative diseases. His research has been supported by fellowships and project grants from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian National Foundation for Medical Research and Innovation, Dementia Australia, Motor Neuron Disease Research Institute of Australia, MonSTaR Foundation and the Cure for MND Foundation.


    Dr Adam Walker: Neurodegeneration pathobiology

    The Walker lab uses biochemistry and imaging techniques to study neuronal cell culture and genetically modified mouse models of MND and FTD, alongside analysis of human brain and spinal cord samples, to investigate the involvement of TDP-43 in disease. Importantly, Dr Walker previously characterised new TDP-43 mice that develop both pathology and motor phenotypes reminiscent of human disease, which are a vital new tool for both investigations of disease mechanisms and pre-clinical testing of therapeutics. 

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    Dr Tara Walker

    Research Fellow & Group Leader, Senior Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Affiliate of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research
    Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
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    Dr Tara Walker is a Senior Research Associate at the Queensland Brain Institute. Dr Walker's group is investigating the mechanisms governing the lifelong production of neurons in the adult brain (adult neurogenesis). Tara studied Biotechnology as an undergraduate at the Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia), before carrying out her PhD in the field of Plant Biotechnology. In 2003 she made the transition to neuroscience, joining the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) and the group of Professor Perry Bartlett. Here she became interested in the field of adult hippocampal neurogenesis, particularly in its activity-dependent regulation. In 2010, she joined the group of Professor Gerd Kempermann at the Center for Regenerative Therapies in Dresden, Germany, where she was awarded a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship in 2011. In July 2018 she returned to QBI to take up a position in the newly developed Centre for Restorative Neurosciences as a Senior Research Associate, where she will apply her knowledge of neural stem cell biology to stroke research.


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    Research interest

    We are interested in understanding the fundamental mechanisms governing the lifelong production of neurons in the adult brain. Adult neurogenesis, as this process is termed, decreases with age and this age-related decline in neurogenesis results in an associated decline in learning processes that are controlled by the hippocampus.

    In previous work, together with Professor Perry Bartlett, we provided the first evidence of a true, but normally latent, hippocampal stem cell population and identified a mechanism through which the production of new neurons could be stimulated to replace or repair damaged cells in neurodegenerative diseases. More recently our focus has been on the systemic regulation of adult neurogenesis. We use the physical exercise model of increased neurogenesis to investigate cross-talk between the brain and the peripheral immune system, and in this context have investigated the interaction between T cells, mast cells and platelets and the neural stem cell niche.

    The control of cell death provides a key mechanism in the regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. We have demonstrated that ferroptosis, a recently identified, caspase-3-independent mode of programmed cell death, is a fundamental mechanism underlying the regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. This form of cell death is mediated by the dietary trace element selenium. We have shown that selenium supplementation results in increased neural progenitor cell survival and neuronal-lineage differentiation in the hippocampus of young adult and aged mice. Ferroptotic cell death has been linked to the cell death that occurs in a number of neurodegenerative diseases and stroke. A key aspect of our future research program will be to investigate whether blocking ferroptotic cell death via dietary or environmental interventions can rescue the behavioural and cognitive decline observed in an animal model of stroke.

    Dr Clarissa Whitmire

    Senior Research Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Dr. Whitmire is a group leader at the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) and a senior lecturer in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at The University of Queensland (UQ). She is a leading expert in understanding how sensory information is represented along the neuraxis from the neurons in the skin that sense external stimuli to the central representation in the thalamocortical circuit. She operates at the interface of neuroscience and engineering to generate novel insights into information representation in the brain. Her laboratory uses a combination of tools to record from populations of neurons, manipulate the activity of those neurons, and model the underlying neural circuitry. Dr. Whitmire trained as a Biomedical Engineer at North Carolina State University (B. S.) and Georgia Institute of Technology/Emory Universty (Ph.D.). Following postdoctoral work at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, she established her own laboratory at The University of Queensland in 2023.


    Dr Clarissa Whitmire: Neural encoding of sensory information

    The Whitmire lab is largely driven by the concept that perception is a construct. The internal representation of the outside world is built on the ‘neural code’. While we often model the neural code as a linear mapping from stimulus to spikes, it is actually extremely complicated and nonlinear even very early in the sensory pathway. Using a combination of experimental paradigms and computational models, we investigate how somatosensory information is encoded at each stage of the neuraxis from the skin to the cortex with a particular focus on the dynamic role of the thalamus./p>

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    Professor Naomi Wray

    Affiliate NHMRC Leadership Fellow
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Naomi Wray is the Michael Davys Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford. She holds an appointment at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) within the University of Queensland. She joined UQ Queensland Brain Institute in 2011 moving to the IMB in 2015. She was Head of the Centre for Population & Disease Genomics within IMB 2018-2023. Her Oxford appointment started in 2023.

    Her research focuses on development and application of quantitative genetics and genomics methodologies across complex diseases, disorders and traits, but particularly psychiatric-related traits.

    She is a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Leadership Fellow, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science. In 2020 she was awarded the NHMRC Elizabeth Blackburn Award for Leadership in Basic Science and the 2021 International Society of Psychiatric Genetics Ming Tsuang Lifetime Achievement Award. She is a Clarivate Highly Cited researcher.

    She was Director of the Program in Complex Trait Genomics (PCTG) funded as an NHMRC Program Grant 2017-2022. She plays a key role in the International Psychiatric Genomics Consortium and established the sporadic ALS Australia systems genomics consortium (SALSA) funded by the MND Research Australia IceBucket Challenge and FightMND. She is a co-investigator on the Australian Genetics of Depression Study (AGDS) and is currently launching the AGDS-Cello project focussed on establishing a cell line resource from participants with a detailed history of anti-depressant use and response measures. She is part of an NHMRC Synergy (2023-2027) "Rhythms and blues: Personalising care for body clock dysfunction in mood disorders".

    She is secretary of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, and is on the editorial advisory boards of JAMA Psychiatry, Neuron, Royal Society Open and Research Directions: Depression.


    Professor Naomi Wray: Program in complex trait genomics

    The Wray laboratory focusses on understanding the genetic contribution to psychiatric and neurological disorders. The group specialises in applying new analytical methods of genomic data to provide insights into these complex disorders, with an ultimate goal to improve diagnosis, prognosis and treatments. The lab plays a key role in the international Psychiatric Genomics Consortium and Prof Wray co-leads the sporadic ALS Australia systems genomics consortium (SALSA), funded by the IceBucket Challenge.

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    Associate Professor Steven Zuryn

    Affiliate of Clem Jones Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research
    Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research
    Principal Research Fellow, ARC Funded
    Queensland Brain Institute
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    Dr Steven Zuryn is a molecular geneticist within the Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland. After training as a PhD in genetics, he undertook postdoctoral reseach at the Institut Génétique Biologie Moléculaire Cellulaire (IGBMC) in Strasbourg, France. He now leads an international and diverse team of postdoctoral, PhD, Honours, and undergraduate investigators studying epigenetics and mitochondrial biology. His laboratory's work focuses on the role and impact of mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases and is particularly fascinated with mutations that accumulate within the mitochondria's own genome during ageing. His research has been published in the high profile journals Science, Nature Cell Biology, and Nature Communications and has appeared in multiple mainstream media outlets. For his research, he has received multiple international prizes and fellowships, been awarded grants from the NHMRC and ARC as primary chief investigator and is generously supported as a fellow of the Stafford Fox Research Foundation. Steven is passionate about communicating the critical importance of fundamental scientific research as a long-term human endeavour.

    Follow the Zuryn lab on Twitter: @zurynlab

    Visit the Zuryn lab website.


    Dr Steven Zuryn: Epigenetics and Mitochondrial Biology Lab

    The Zuryn lab uses cutting-edge molecular techniques in the highly successful genetic model organism C. elegans as well as human cell culture to understand the fundamental mechanisms that promote disease progression caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria harbour their own genome (mtDNA), which is prone to accumulating mutations as we age leading to dysfunction that may contribute to the progressive nature of neurodegenerative diseases.

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  • 2 Aug 2018
    Dr Karly Turner
    CJ Martin Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, England.


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