The UQ Ideas Forum is an annual event hosted by the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) in collaboration with the Institute of Molecular Bioscience (IMB) and the Australian Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), in recognition of National Science Week. 

The event invites year 10 students to attend a panel discussion with experts from the three Institutes around the importance of basic science to inform the innovations of tomorrow, facilitated by energy expert and science commentator, Dr Joel Gilmore

The second half of the event involves a competitive group pitch involving four teams of students, outlining a solution to a problem facing humanity. The winning team will be awarded a summer internship at one of the three UQ Institutes of their choice. 

The event aims to create an opportunity to build connections with the next generation of researchers and create an engaging platform to raise awareness of the importance of discovery research for advancing science and potential therapies and technologies of the future. Year 10 students from South East Queensland high schools are invited