Support QBI's world-leading research in MND
Motor neurone disease (MND) is a rapidly progressing neurological disorder that attacks the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord controlling the way we walk, talk, eat, speak, and breathe. The loss of these nerve cells (motor neurons) leads to progressive muscle weakness and wasting.
Each day in Australia two people are diagnosed with MND and a further two die from the disease. The time from diagnosis to death is on average just 27 months.
For every person diagnosed with MND it is estimated that a further 14 members of their family and their friends will live with the effect of MND forever. In 2015, Deloitte Access Economics estimated the total cost of MND in Australia was $2.37 billion. This equates to $1.1 million per person.
Queensland research, led by QBI Founding Director Professor Perry Bartlett has identified the role that a protein called EphA4 plays in repairing damaged motor neurons. The research holds up real hope of an effective way of treating this devastating disease.
After more than a decade of research Professor Bartlett’s team of scientists are in the process of developing and manufacturing this protein at a state-of-the-art bio-manufacturing facility in Brisbane. This research to date has been made possible through the generosity of the Maclean family and friends, MND and Me Foundation and Peter Goodenough.
To accelerate this research to clinical trial, there are a number of hurdles we need to overcome, and you can help.
By donating to QBI research you will help us expedite the process and ensure that pioneering MND research can continue to be led by Australia.
We need your help. Please donate to this promising research, and share this with your friends. Together we can find a cure.
Pankaj Sah, Director
Queensland Brain Institute
University of Queensland