Schools Concussion Study

Do you play rugby? Maybe basketball? The Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) is looking for athletes to help us learn more about how sports concussions affect the brain.

Working with World Rugby and Rugby Australia, QBI is trying to make contact sports safer, so you can play longer and smarter.


You are eligible if:

  • You are 14 -19 years old and play rugby, basketball, or swim competitively at a South East Queensland school
  • You have no history of neurological symptoms


QBI is spearheading ground-breaking research to improve the safety of contact sports by understanding more about how concussion affects the brain. The study aims to improve the accuracy of concussion diagnoses and the reliability of return-to-play decisions.

What's involved?

Athletes involved in the study will be required to undergo some preliminary tests. If the athlete experiences a concussion, a similar series of post-concussion tests will be required to track how the brain recovers. 


If the athlete is keen to make an impact and progress the world’s understanding of concussion, please complete this short Expression of Interest form and QBI’s study coordinator will be in touch to discuss the next steps. Information provided to QBI will be held in strict confidence. 

Alternatively, you can direct any immediate questions about the study to QBI’s coordinator via email 

Expression of interest form

How does the study work?


What are the benefits?

As a research participant, the athlete will be helping to improve the safety of contact sports globally. They will also play an active role in educating himself about his own health and the signs and symptoms of brain injury. If they sustain a concussion through the season, they will have access to regular screening and will be carefully monitored by industry experts in brain research.

How will my data be used?

The athlete's data will be fully anonymised and used only for this study.