Dr Phill Bokiniec

Researcher biography
I am a Research Fellow within the Systems Neuroengineering group at the Queensland Brain Institute. I was awarded a PhD in Neuroscience from Macquarie University in 2016 and have undertaken a postdoctoral appointment abroad (2016-2023) at the Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin, Germany.
I am a neurophysiologist with interests in understanding sensory processing. My research focuses on the different stations along the neuraxis from the periphery to the brain; the initial site of information acquisition and encoding (the dorsal root ganglia), the relay and modulatory center (thalamus) and the penultimate site for sensory perception (the cortex). My goal is to characterise how somatosensory information is routed and transformed within these areas and to understand how this information is altered following disease and dysfunction (e.g. autism, chronic pain).