
A/Professor Frini Karayanidis

Director, Functional Neuroimaging Laboratory, School of Psychology, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308

Title: "Age-related decline in cognitive control: Role of CV risk factors" 


Ageing and vascular risk factors are both associated with increased risk for cognitive decline and dementia. However, it remains unclear whether the greater incidence of cardiovascular risk factors with increasing age impacts the relationship between age and cognitive decline. I will present evidence from both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies that vascular risk factors and associated changes in white matter microstructure affect global and process-specific measures of cognition, and especially cognitive control processes. I will discuss evidence that white matter health mediates the effect of age on cognitive ability, and implications for interventions to reduce age-related cognitive decline and stave off onset of dementia.

About Neuroscience Seminars

Neuroscience seminars at the QBI play a major role in the advancement of neuroscience in the Asia-Pacific region. The primary goal of these seminars is to promote excellence in neuroscience through the exchange of ideas, establishing new collaborations and augmenting partnerships already in place.

Seminars in the QBI Auditorium on Level 7 are held on Wednesdays at 12-1pm, which are sometimes simulcast on Zoom (with approval from the speaker). We also occassionally hold seminars from international speakers via Zoom. The days and times of these seminars will vary depending on the time zone of the speaker. Please see each seminar listed below for details. 


Neuroscience Seminars archive 2005-2018