Merson Lecture 2010: Development and maintenance of neuronal polarity
Nerve cells (or neurons) are the building blocks of the brain. Each nerve cell has a polarised structure consisting of one long axon and many short dendrites. The function of the neuron and formation of the complex neural network in the brain depends on this polarised structure, but how this polarity emerges during early neuronal development and how it is maintained in the mature neuron remain outstanding mysteries.
About The Merson Lecture
The annual lecture is named in honour of Dr David Merson, who supported the series in order to promulgate the best neuroscience research and what it has to offer the community in the future. It is given by a prominent, internationally leading neuroscientist whose research is of relevance to laboratories at QBI.
Dr Merson is the founder and ex-CEO of Mincom Limited. Since retiring, he has become director of a range of organisations and charitable institutions. He is a member of QBI’s Advisory Board and was the inaugural Chair of the QBI Development Board. His philanthropic sponsorship of this lecture is indicative of a strong community interest in neuroscience and the inspiring research that is being done in the area of neurological and mental diseases.