First, we explore memory – what it is it and how are memories stored? Dr Matt Kenna will give an overview on the science of memory and present some of the ways QBI researchers are challenging the more prominent theories around this curious enigma of the mind.

Discover how our researchers use new technology to study memory, with a live demo from PhD student, Mr Richard Ronayne from the Mattingley lab, using virtual reality to test memory.

Next, let’s consider how memory goes wrong. Professor Gail Robinson will share how diseases like dementia and stroke impact memory and how you know if something is going wrong.

After a short break for morning tea, we return to answer the question, can we improve memory? Dr Tara Walker presents the case for exercise and selenium.

We conclude with a Q&A panel featuring our researchers.

About UQ Research and Innovation Week

Research and Innovation Week celebrates the incredible research, researchers and partnerships within UQ and throughout our diverse community. Research and Innovation Week aims to raise awareness of UQ researchers across key stakeholders, including staff, current and prospective students, graduates, industry, government, media and the wider community.


Queensland Brain Institute, Building 79
Upland Rd, The University of Queensland
Level 7 Auditorium