Dr Bonnie Searle is passionate about getting children to eat. In her past life as a paediatric dietitian for children with food aversions, she experienced first-hand the power of changing how we feed children. 

She is currently working on a special research project at the Queensland Brain Institute, called Mealtimes Matter, which suggests that there are some serious nutritional deficiencies in some childcare centres, particularly in disadvantaged areas, that is having a detrimental effect on child development. 

In this insightful conversation, Dr Searle discusses:

  • Why nutrition is important for developing brains

  • The quality of nutrition at childcare centres across Queensland

  • Healthy lunchbox tips

  • Tips for fussy eaters

Related resources

A missed opportunity? Meal provision in early childhood education and care services in the context of socioeconomic disadvantage

Poverty for lunch: a case study of agency and food scarcity in mealtimes in disadvantaged ECE