UQ Committees
Senate Committee for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The Senate Committee for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI Committee) is UQ's primary committee related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. The committee reports to the UQ Senate regarding equity, diversity and inclusion matters and has the ability to co-opt external members with appropriate expertise. Staff are welcome to identify issues for discussion at the Committee meetings.
Cultural Inclusion Council
The Council provides a consultative mechanism for developing and implementing inclusion initiatives focused on culturally and linguistically diverse staff across UQ.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Steering Committee
The Committee is responsible for shaping and monitoring the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy.
The committee meets 4 times a year to:
- develop and coordinate strategic actions regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment
- provides recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor and President
Gender Steering Committee
UQ’s Gender Steering Committee champions strategic and transparent governance, accountability, planning and a reporting framework for gender equity, aligned with UQ’s Bronze Institutional Award for SAGE Athena SWAN, which reflects UQ’s commitment to broader diversity and inclusion.
Disability Inclusion Group (UQ DIG)
The Disability Inclusion Group (UQ DIG) provides a consultative mechanism for developing and implementing disability inclusion initiatives across UQ. The group aims to develop and implement disability inclusion initiatives across the University of Queensland, following the principle of ‘nothing about us, without us’.
Ally Action Committee
The UQ Ally Action Committee drives greater inclusion and diversity of sex, genders and sexualities at UQ and the community it serves.
The Ally Action Committee will:
- facilitate consultation with the UQ community to ensure progress on inclusion and diversity of sex, genders and sexualities
- devise and drive actions in the UQ Ally Action Plan
- provide leadership to the UQ Ally Network by encouraging engagement with events, programs and other initiatives pertinent to the UQ Ally Network
- provide advice to the Self-Assessment Team (SAT) as part of the UQ SAGE Pilot of Athena SWAN program
- provide reports to the relevant governance structures on matters pertinent to gender, sex, and sexuality inclusion at UQ
- contribute to the UQ Australian Workplace Equality Index application process