QBI OMERO Cloud can also be used to share your data with external researchers and make published research data public. To do so requires only a few steps and does not involve duplicating your data.

* As with all data on the OMERO Cloud, public data is protected and also archived in multiple locations.


1. To make data publicly accessible in OMERO:

Contact QBI Microscopy to link your account to QBI Public Group.

Select the Image/project in OMERO and right click to move the data. Under Move to Group choose “QBI OMERO Public Data”



2.To share a link to publicly accessible data in OMERO:

External researchers can view this public data once you provide them with a link. The link to images can be found in the general tab.

External researchers can access public data by navigating to https://omero.rcc.uq.edu.au/webclient/login/ and selecting "Log in as public user".




3. To view publicly accessible data on the OMERO server:

You can browse all publicly available data by selecting QBI-Public-Group, or data uploaded by a specific user, in the top left menu of OMERO
