Professor Fred Meunier profile photo
Professor Frederic Meunier

Why do you study dementia? Why did you choose to follow this research path?

Most people know someone that has developed dementia. It is a path that has no return and trying to understand what goes wrong and identify novel targets is a truly rewarding research path. 

What impact do you hope your research will have on society?

It is hard to say especially because my lab work at the molecular level but finding novel targets in the fight against dementia is the first step that may lead to a true transformation of the current poor state of affairs in our fight against the disease.

Why did you choose to conduct your research at the Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research (CJCADR)?

I did not choose but was asked to join which I gladly did.

How does CJCADR create new discoveries about the brain?

There is a nice mix of curiosity-driven research with more applied one which is rather unusual and I think key to our success.

What were your first thoughts when you joined CJCADR?

Exciting time ahead.

What would you like to see CJCADR achieve in the next 10 years?

Hopefully more investment into curiosity-driven research and more follow-up of recently established targets.

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