Professor Stephen Williams, UQ : "Cholinergic modulation is an essential component of neocortical circuit computations"
Professor Stephen Williams
Queensland Brain Institute, University of Queensland
Title: "Cholinergic modulation is an essential component of neocortical circuit computations"
The ascending cholinergic system is known to regulate cognitive functions such as attention, perception and memory, but it remains unclear how this modulation is executed in neocortical circuits. Here we demonstrate that the cholinergic system dynamically controls active dendritic integration in neocortical principal neurons to allow behavioral state control over the fundamental computations produced by neocortical circuits. Direct dendritic recordings from layer 5B pyramidal neurons revealed that the synaptic release of acetylcholine selectively enhanced active dendritic processing and facilitated the associative integration of peri-somatic and dendritic excitatory input. Mechanistically, this action was mediated by the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR)-dependent enhancement of dendritic calcium channel activity. In behaving animals, the antagonism of mAChRs attenuated dendritic calcium signals generated by associative integration during an active sensing task. The ascending cholinergic system therefore acts as a permissive modulator to engage a fundamental neocortical computation during active sensation. Thus, we have identified an important biophysical substrate that potentially mediates the capacity of the cholinergic system to regulate higher order brain function.
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