BLiSS brings together life-science institutes from across Brisbane for a one-day symposium. Participants have various backgrounds, including engineering, chemistry, molecular biology, neuroimaging, cognitive science, and so on. The event provides the perfect opportunity to learn more about what other ECRs achieve in Brisbane, extend your network and start new collaborations in a friendly, vibrant environment.
Please contact Wei Wei ( if you are interested in doing so.
For more details, see the BLiSS website.
Key dates
Mon 31st of July Registration opens / Abstract submission opens
Fri 23rd of September Abstract submission closes
Mon 21st of October – Announcement of oral presentation program
Fri 10th of November Registration closes
Fri 24 November 2017 Symposium Date at TRI
Key people
Florence Cotel is LEAD COORDINATOR
Noni Creasey is co-chair for Engagement|Communication, (UQ -School of Chemical Engineering)
Soi Law is co-chair for Program (UQ DI)
Zach Houston is co-chair for Operations. (CAI)
Postdocs willing to participate in the organisation of the symposium are always welcome. Please contact the QBI ECR committee.
BLiSS 2016 at a glance
- 13 participating institutes
- 300 registered guests
- 2 plenaries by invited speakers
- 12 oral presentations by ECRs
- 74 posters presented by ERCs
- Social mixer
About Early Career Researcher Events
The ECR committee organises a variety of events throughout the year. These include regular PhD student and postdoctoral researcher social meetings (SPAM), career development workshops, postdoctoral researcher breakfasts, and contributing to the organisation of the UQ ECR symposium.
QBI regularly hosts nationally and internationally recognised neuroscience researchers to present a seminar and meet with ECRs. A full list of the seminar series is available. ECRs can elect to have lunch in a small-group setting with the seminar speaker immediately after the seminar.