Professor Irina Vetter, UQ : "The pain-causing principles of stinging nettles are sodium channel-targeting peptides"
Professor Irina Vetter,
Institute for Molecular Bioscience and School of Pharmacy
University of Queensland
Title: "The pain-causing principles of stinging nettles are sodium channel-targeting peptides"
Stinging nettles produce remarkably persistent and painful stings upon contact of their stiff epidermal hairs, called trichomes, with mammalian skin. In Australia, stings from the Gympie Gympie stinger (Dendrocnide spp.) induce acute pain typically lasting for several hours, as well as intermittent painful flares that can persist for days and weeks. Our recent work shows that the venoms of Australian Dendrocnide species as well as New Zealand Urtica species contain heretofore unknown pain-inducing peptides that potently activate sensory neurons and delay inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels. These neurotoxins localize specifically to the stinging hairs and are disulfide-stabilised miniproteins, a characteristic shared with neurotoxins found in spider and cone snail venoms. Our results provide an intriguing example of inter-kingdom convergent evolution of animal and plant venoms with shared modes of delivery, molecular structure and pharmacology.
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