
Post-stroke language disorders

Dr David Copland

Queensland Aphasia Centre


Vision and spatial attention post-stroke

Dr Margaret Moore

Queensland Brain Institute


Understanding how strokes damage the brain

Dr Matilde Balbi

Queensland Brain Institute


How brain injury affects awareness and self-awareness

Dr Alan Pegna

School of Psychology, UQ



If you're unable to attend the session in person, please join us on Zoom.

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://uqz.zoom.us/j/83834194940?pwd=Y7nXBhuZnDiZmJVvVrfysPlWE398Cr.1

About Stroke Research Community Outreach Day

A free community information session and morning tea to hear more about the latest research on post-stroke disorders. Talk face-to-face with stroke survivors, support services, and carers, and take part in a special dance demonstration with the Queensland Ballet. 



Queensland Brain Institute
Building 79, The University of Queensland
Upland Rd, St Lucia
Level 7 Auditorium