On 4 June, only three years after suffering a traumatic brain injury, Reece Crawford will run in the Pine Rivers Charity Fun Run Half Marathon to raise awareness of brain injury, and raise funds for the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) at the University of Queensland.
Mr Crawford suffered a severe traumatic brain injury in August, 2014, whilst driving home from work on his scooter, when a car failed to give way, resulting in a collision that left him in a coma.
“I spent three months recovering in hospital and relearning the basics and have been working extremely hard to find a new normal in life. But every day brings about a new challenge or something to be grateful for,” he said.
Reece’s ability to walk was taken away in the blink of an eye when the accident occurred, and he spent the next two months relearning this skill Over the next two years he relearned how to run.
“My family and I have suffered immensely due to brain injury so I wanted to increase community awareness that brain injury exists, and raise funds for UQ’s Queensland Brain Institute,” he said.
Brain injury: the invisible disability
One in 12 Australians is affected by acquired brain injury. And 107 in 100,000 Australians suffer Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), when a trauma to the brain occurs from a force such as falls, knocks (coward punch), or motor vehicle accidents. Concussion is also a form of TBI.
Traumatic Brain Injury is known as the invisible disability, but even though it often cannot be seen, it has far-reaching effects.
“Before I sustained this injury, I wasn't even aware that it was possible to injure your brain. For me now, it sometimes feels like there is a Rubik’s cube in my head. The more you try to sort it out, the messier it gets. You question your every move.”
“I wanted to take the opportunity I had been given to help raise funds for research to benefit others who find themselves in the position I was in,” he said.
“I hope that there can be more understanding into brain injury and a more targeted approach towards treatment and rehabilitation. Please help me spread the word,” said Mr Crawford.
To donate to Reece’s fundraising page visit: