Experts will share the latest advances in super-resolution microscopy during a four-day symposium at The University of Queensland’s (UQ) Microscopy Week.
Two microscopy symposiums will be held at various faculties and institutes across UQ from April 1 – 4, including the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI), Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB), the Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis (CMM) the Translational Research Institute (TRI) and the Australian National Fabrication Facility – Queensland Node (ANFF-Q).
The program, to be officially opened by Ambassador of France to Australia, His Excellency Mr Stéphane Romatet, includes 40 national and international speakers, who will highlight microscopy research occurring across a range of disciplines.
Professor Fred Meunier, who works within QBI’s Advanced Microscopy Facility - home to two of Australia’s most powerful super-resolution microscopes – says this superior technology has a significant impact on research.
“With a resolution of up to 10 times greater than previously possible, the super-resolution technology is quickly gaining recognition with researchers across a range of disciplines,” Professor Meunier said.
“The advanced technology breaks the diffraction limit of light, giving researchers the opportunity to clearly visualise the connections between neurons and observe never-before-seen structures,” he said.
Super resolution microscopes also enable single molecule imaging, a Queensland first, which will allow the study of individual receptors on synaptic terminals.
“This means researchers can watch as receptors move and interact in live neurons, which is crucial to the understanding of neuronal functioning both in healthy and diseased brains.”
The first symposium, Microscopy @ UQ (April 1-3), will highlight microscopy research occurring throughout UQ to strengthen collaboration and educate early career researchers and research students.
On Wednesday the 4th of April the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) will be hosting a Super-Resolution Symposium.
Speakers include Daniel Choquet (Director of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, Bordeaux France) and Professor Kat Gauss from the University of NSW.
Workshops with hands on experience to key super-resolution techniques will be provided on the following Monday and Tuesday (7th and 8th of April).
These workshops in include a single-molecule imaging workshop focusing on particle tracking and PALM/STORM microscopy hosted at QBI and led by Drs Jean-Baptiste Sibarita and Eric Hosy from the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, Bordeaux France.
A Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM) workshop, hosted at TRI, on the newly installed OMX instrument and a workshop highlighting the advanced capabilities of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), hosted by ANFF-Q at the AIBN.