Control of cellular differentiation in the developing brain
(2020-2022) ARC Discovery Project

Role of spontaneous activity in the formation of functional cortical circuits in vico
(2019-2021) NHMRC Project Grant

Normal and abnormal development of brain wiring and its impact on brain function
(2017-2021) NHMRC Principal Research Fellowship

Understanding cortical circuitry underlying sensory integration and the consequence of its developmental disruption​
(2017–2020) NHMRC Project Grant

Neural circuits that mediate fear extinction
(2017-2021) NHMRC Project Grant

Astroglial remodelling of the interhemispheric midline is regulated by deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) signalling and is required for corpus callosum formation
(2017–2019) NHMRC Project Grant

Unravelling the principles of bilateral brain wiring
(2016–2019) ARC Discovery Projects

Delayed radial glial maturation linked to NFI deficiency as an underlying cause of cortical defects in humans and mice
(2016–2018) NHMRC Project Grant

ACC: Callosal Agenesis as a Window into Common Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NIH grant administered by the University of California, San Francisco)
(2015–2017) Regents of the University of California

Targeting of callosal axons to duplicate cortical areas in the contralateral hemisphere Project Grant
(2014-2017) NHMRC Project Grant