Key advances in our understanding of the development of the most common type of malignant brain tumour among adults, glioblastoma, have been carried out at QBI and recognised internationally in the cancer field.

Our important discovery that nuclear factor one (NF1) genes control how cancer cells change in glioblastoma has propelled research into therapies targeting the NF1 pathway.

Our researchers demonstrated, in mice with glioblastoma, that NF1 stopped cancer cells growing and transformed them back into more normal brain cells.

Professor Helen Cooper

One of the most devasating properties of brain cancers is their ability to vigorously invade unaffected brain regions. The Cooper lab has identified an important network of proteins that prevents tumour cell escape from the primary tumour. Their research is providing insights into the cellular events activated when these proteins are mutated and suggests potential approaches to preventing cell escape.

Professor Gail Robinson

Brain tumours often impact cognition or “thinking skills”, mood and behaviour. Understanding changes in these areas immediately following brain surgery is important for the individual and family to manage changes and for the treating team to help plan treatment and interventions. The Robinson group investigates methods of cognitive assessment to identify these changes with the aim of identifying useful methods and developing briefer tools that can be used in acute primary brain tumours (i.e., low/high grade gliomas, meningiomas).

Associate Professor Jana Vukovic

Long-term cognitive impairment that can occur after cancer treatment is common, often referred to as ‘chemobrain’. Associate Professor Vukovic’s lab investigates how the immune cells in the brain may contribute to exacerbate damage and contributing to long-term cognitive dysfunction. Their aim is to modulate immune responses to preserve optimal brain function following cancer treatment.


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  What is brain cancer?

  Types of brain cancer

  Signs and symptoms of brain cancer

  Diagnosing and treating brain cancer